Frequently asked questions

Updated January 21, 2023

Please see the frequently asked questions on Elephant Please below.

What is Elephant Please? down

Elephant Please is an online peer-to-peer rental platform. Here you can rent to go green and lend to earn. Everything expensively cheap!

Why am I unable to rent items with a higher market value? down

Elephant Please has a three-tier identity verification procedure, which is a safe, simple and fast way to keep the community safe and secure. To rent an item with a higher market value, the renter must verify their identity with us. All personal data will be encrypted and stored securely. Together we can build safe communities.


The first level is email verification, the second level is mobile phone number verification, and the third level is government-issued identification document (photo) verification. After logging in, you may complete the identity verification process here.

What is Elephant+ ? down

For as low as HK$65/month, with the Elephant+ subscription, you can enjoy unlimited rentals without platform service fees. More benefits to come. Join Elephant+ now.

What happens if the renter does not return the item I lent out? down

Rest assure, Elephant Please has got your back! We have collected a Deposit for every rental, the lender specifies this amount. In addition, those who have not verified their phone number with us have an HKD2000 limit on the market value of a single rental.


1. If the renter does not return the item lent out by the end of the rental period, please first check "My Items" to see if the rental period has been extended.


2. If the rental period has not been extended, please attempt to contact the renter.


3. If the renter cannot be contacted, please "Initiate a dispute" via "My Items". We will follow through with the Resolution Policy.

How do I withdraw my earnings? down

To with withdraw your earning, simply visit the "Withdrawal" page after logging in.


Please note that there is a withdrawal fee for withdrawals below HKD1000, this is to maintain the efficiency and sustainability of Elephant Please.


Happy lending!

Are there any hidden fees or costs on Elephant Please? down

No, there are no hidden fees or costs to use Elephant Please. All costs are explicitly listed when checking out. They include the rental fee, a 5% platform service fee and the relevant payment processing fee (which may differ depending on the payment service selected).


To save on the 5% platform service fee, join Elephant+now.

Why am I being charged again for the deposit? down

Rest assured, you have not been charged twice. The system will automatically renew the authorisation hold of the deposit every 7 days if the end of the rental period is less than 3 days from now. You may receive a notification from the bank suggesting an additional charge, but rest assure that it is only a renew of the authorisation hold.